Digitization of Production

Tuesday, 26 March 2019
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm

Learn about key aspects of the coupling of physical production with intelligent digital technologies.
Some of the key traits of modern production such as transparency, adaptability, and traceability are mainly enabled by the coupling of physical production with intelligent digital technologies. Come and experience the manifold convergences of previously separated worlds, such as the bridging of the gap between IT/OT as a key success factor for the industry of future! See how a 3D Product configurator virtually builds a new product at every mouse click. Last, but not the least reflect on machinery safety and cybersecurity with emphasis on the Industry 4.0 – IoT.
Chair: Roland Sommer, Managing Director of  Industrie 4.0 - die Plattform für intelligente Produktion 
  • Andreas Reiter | IT/OT Security Expert Siemens AG: “IT and OT Convergence: Upcoming Challenges for the Industry”
  • Horst Exenberger | CEO DERWID: “How can a 3D product configurator be useful in manufacturing processes?”
  • Kevin Nikolai | Machinery Safety Expert at PILZ : "Importance of digitization at safety-related systems"


Kevin Nikolai

Machinery Safety Expert at PILZ


Andreas Reiter

IT/OT Security Expert  Siemens AG


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