DIGITAL- Institute for Information and Communication Technologies is since many years a leading ICT innovation partner for digital health and careapplications, focussing on

  • Active and assisted living, e.g. AAL test regions, IoT, social robotics, virtual reality
  • Neurodegenerative diseases and mental health, e.g. serious games for persons with dementia, human factors lab, affective computing

… and with sound methodological competences in artificial intelligence, machine learning, medical imaging, and decision support.

MATERIALS– the Institute for Surface Technologies and Photonics provides interdisciplinary solutions across the entire value chain – from the idea to the prototype – using cutting edge technologies and methods based on miniaturisation, integration and materials optimisation. It gives its customers access to the latest technologies required for implementing innovative smart products and services especially for smart living:

  • Smart Connected Lighting: Seamless integration of miniaturized lighting and control systems into curved wall elements
  • Intuitive design of the interaction between humans and machines: sensor networks and their embedding