Tuesday, 26 March 2019
04:30 pm - 05:30 pm
With SyMSpace, a system design tool form LCM, Smart Manufacturing should become a tangible reality for SMEs. The tool, which emerged from the simulation and optimization of electric drives, offers the possibility of creating, calculating and optimizing complex models. Predefined model components can also be integrated in the component space, which increases user-friendliness and significantly reduces complexity. Take part to a live demonstration of the electric motor design with this tool!
Smart Manufacturing is on everyone's lips, and yet Dan Ariely's sentence on Big Data can be put to excellent use here: "Smart Manufacturing is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks, everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it, too."
The Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH has been offering its customers innovative solutions in the field of mechatronics for more than 15 years. With SyMSpace, a system design tool, Smart Manufacturing should now also become a tangible reality for SMEs. The tool, which emerged from the simulation and optimization of electric drives, offers the possibility of creating, calculating and optimizing complex models. Predefined model components can also be integrated in the component space, which increases user-friendliness and significantly reduces complexity.
What's so special about it? All this happens using a variety of third-party tools that are common on the market, which SyMSpace integrates and whose control is completely taken over by SyMSpace. Thus, powerful state-of-the-art simulations can be used and comfortably optimized, calculated systems can be stored, reproduced, and auto-documented – including the automated generation of production data. This opens up numerous possibilities for planning, simulation, optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes.
As the latest step, LCM now also offers a cloud portal which provides flexible cloud computing resources with a pre-installed SyMSpace platform at the touch of a button. This opens up completely new possibilities - especially for small and medium-sized companies that often do not have the resources or relevant IT know-how to operate their own high-performance simulation cluster.
Hubert Mitterhofer
Head of the Business Area Electrical Drives at the Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM)