Mesap – Innovation Cluster

MESAP is the Innovation Cluster of Piedmont Region in the fields of Smart Products & Manufacturing with 253 Members, including 210 SMEs, 33 Large Companies, 2 Universities and 8 Research Centres.

Most of large companies in Mesap are multinational firms, active especially in manufacturing, automotive and aerospace industries. This fact represents the high level of attractiveness of Piedmont business environment, particularly in the innovation field.

MESAP Companies show top level of specialization in integration of ICT, electronics and control science and advanced mechanics. MESAP Members are located in all phases of the supply chain with different levels of integration, including services.

MESAP main goals and activities are knowledge development and transfer from research centres to companies, cross transfer and spread of sectorial competences into new application fields, international cooperation for R&D European/international projects, new end markets identification at European and world level. Its final goal is to strengthen regional industrial capabilities and local supply chains, enhancing their competitiveness all over the world.