Secured Communicating Solutions Cluster

SCS (Secured Communicating Solutions) cluster (, is based in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, in France, and gathers more than 300 members, including companies (and 70% of SMEs), research centres and educational institutions in the fields of microelectronics, IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and Digital Security. The cluster represents 60 000 jobs in these fields, 26 multinational companies, 1200 researchers in the public sector and 18 educational institutions training 1500 engineers per year.

Its aim is to promote the development of competitive R&D projects between all these players with the support of local communities, in order to design and develop new solutions targeting high-growth markets such as Industry 4.0, smart cities & smart buildings, e-health, or the connected car.

SCS cluster leads the IoT4Industry project which seeks to support EU growth and competitiveness through the development of a new cross-sectoral industrial value chain based on the integration and use of Internet of Things (IoT) and related components (Digital Security, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Communication networks, sensors, chips, electronics component, etc.) into manufacturing tools, machines and robots, industrial processes, factories environment, supply chain, intra  logistics & logistics 4.0, product life cycle, smart packaging, etc. through the cross-border collaboration between SMEs and other RDI actors of the ICT and advanced manufacturing sectors. The project will provide support services and funding to develop collaborative projects.  The services will include matchmaking and project support. In total, 3.7 million euros funding will be allocated to innovative projects through 2 calls for projects, and the support services will be provided by the consortium partners through calls for expression of interest.